Thursday, May 23, 2013

Florence day 1

Today we arrived from Venice into Florence at 2:00pm and immediately, for some weird reason, I felt at home.


I'd just stepped out the train. My heart stopped. I gazed in wonder at...





I immediately ran to dad.






The Dali museum.

You're not supposed to take pictures in the gallery, but guess what, we did any way just like everyone else was! It was just to cool.

This is a souvenir from the Dali museum. A real, ticking, melting watch!




Dali wasn't only a painter as he is well known for. He was also a writer and illustrator of children's books. But, Salvador Dali is here, most remembered for his sculptures. (In fact, the gallery didn't have one painting by him!)



Adam and Eve ( Salvador Dali, bronze)




Alice in Wonder land (Salvador Dali, bronze)




The above sculpture is Salvador's favourite sculpture. He looked up to her in a way. The forever child - someone who went into the land of wonder, stared at humour, smelt sorrow and a posed serene and remained unchanged by her experience.


She was someone who could not be bound by time.



Snail of the angle (Salvador Dali, bronze)/ Kung fu snail.




The human being (Salvador Dali, bronze)




The sculpture above is by far my favourite sculpture. It is, in every way, a persons sub-conscious. The cubist (dull coloured) person, shows the straight-ness and chained up way of everyday life. The realist (shiny figure) like flowing water represents the land of the mind which can take you places the body can't or the cubist could never go to - an unreal and smooth way of un-painful life.

Both figures seem to be pointing to the same thing, showing that the stereotypes can be defied and that both could be joined together inside of you.



Lips couch. (Salvador Dali, velvet and metal)




This couch is based on Mae West a famous movie star New York who had big red lips. This couch was dedicated to her.



Mafalda Davies cutlery set (Salvador Dali, bronze and enamel)




His other friend (from London) was the host and supporter of many parties for Dali and famous artists to compare their work and boost their spirits on tough days. Dali (to thank her) took her cutlery design and made her a set. It's beautiful and even though they have been used would not be my first choice (also, not dishwasher safe)



Tik Tok Tik Tok.




And finally, one of Dali's most famous works, which, as you know Mrs. M we've studied relentlessly. Well here it is folks, theeeeeee meeeeeeltinng cloooooooooock (sculpture form).

"The Persistence of Memory" (Salvador Dali, bronze)




All of these things are priceless but I bought something Cool for just €2


Love that badge





After that amazing experience we trekked off. Then we stumbled across the gigantic church


There are 3 main parts of the church. The baptistery, the main basilica and the Dome. The whole building is known as the Duomo but that really just means Cathedral (not Dome according to my dad).

This church is a very important part of Florentine history and is very beautiful although some nasty Italians once called it the church in green and white pyjamas.


This is a movie about the construction of the Dome and how the Medici came to power. It's about 40 minutes so I'd watch it after you've finished reading.




We decided to pay a small entry fee and climb the dome. The dome is very famous. It was designed by Bruneleschi who was a genius architect. Nobody had built a dome that size since the time of the Romans 1000 years before. Before Bruneleschi came along, the church had been without a dome for around 100 years.

Right traveler fans, any one who wants to skip St. Peters and climb the much more impressive, higher and not packed with tourists Dormo is a much smarter guy than your average tourist.

All i can say is musty, cramped, then Oh my GOD!!!















My 1st day in Florence has been amazing, and i think I'm going to dig tommorow even more




Missing y'all

Zo - on - the - go


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